Monday 11 October 2010

Harumi - low lying land

From Harumi Pier, which is a dead end, we walked back towards the Sumida.  The area here is reclaimed and quite close to the level of the sea.  Flood (ie from tsunami, tides, and typhoon) mitigation efforts have been made, but I'd still have reservations about living somewhere that appears so vulnerable not just to extremes of water, but also the threat of liquefaction in event of an earthquake.

A new bridge under construction - the halt to plans to move the
fishmarkets from Tsukiji to the other side of this bridge in Toyosu
will no doubt mean a lot less traffic.

Flood gates to side across to block off the streets in the event
of typhoon, tsunami or higher than usual tides.

Explaining the floodgates

The flood gates slide across and lock into place.
Nothing to do with flood gates - some of the man hole covers of
Chuo Ku (local govt area) have lilies - the symbol of the ku.
The areas that will and won't be protected in the event of a flood

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