Wednesday 17 October 2012

Paperwork.... head spinning..... imminent head explosion...

A couple of months back someone in the staffroom of the university I most enjoy teaching at  asked me if I was interested to teach some classes as a different university.   It  would mean a few more teaching hours a week at a humanities university with high level students and also pays comparatively well. (Usually the general rule with part time teaching, is the better the university the lower the salary (people want to work at good universities and will forgo salary for prestige and satisfaction).  It would also give me great satisfaction to flick off this establishment.


Yesterday the paperwork arrived.  Full marks to them for doing it by email.
There are 6 pages of a spreadsheet that need to be filled out.
English and Japanese of my work history, education history, publication history, presentation history.  As if the resume I already sent them doesn't have all this information on it anyway......

Translating the name of the school in Thailand, or my high school in Aus, or the schools that I have worked at into mangled phonetic Japanese that turns my name from Cecilia to Se shi ri a.     Does Rhamkhamheng become ra mu ka mu he n gu  or   ra n ka n he n  .... or ramu ka n hengu.... the possibilities are driving me up the wall.....

If I translate the name of an article I wrote for the Guardian, no-one would ever be able to locate it.... 


As if anyone will ever actually read it.....


As if I don't have better things to do with my time... 


Rurousha said...

It's taken me three days, but here I am.

Your summary of university compensation made me give a very evil grin. >:)

I hope the paperwork has been duly conquered by now?

SomedaysSarah said...

"As if anyone will ever actually read it..."

Sigh, sadly too true. And yet the ruckus that would be caused if you didn't submit it, or submitted it only partially filled out... Sigh!

Hope it wasn't too painful!

Cecilia said...

I gave up and I sent in in English only. There has been no request to see it in English... fingers crossed :)