Friday, 18 January 2013

Tokyo: you need snow tyres 3

There's not a whole lot of point pushing a car into a car in front that is also stuck.

Excuse my hand in the way of the lens in parts.


SomedaysSarah said...

Awwww, look at all the poor little cars hiding from the snow under cover! ;)

Rurousha said...

Sarah, your comment made me laugh!

Another comment that made me giggle was from a guy in Akita on a discussion board. He said, "You have snow in Tokyo? Aww, cute!"


Rurousha said...

Why do people even *try* to drive in this kind of weather if they don't have snow tyres?

Cecilia said...

I don't know why people drive... I wonder if the insurance companies pay out for accidents caused by this kind of misjudgement... one would think not.

About 5 mins after this, on our way to the subway, someone in one of the cars hiding in the tunnel started blowing his horn repeatedly... as if it was going to make any difference AT ALL...