Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Christmas wasn't kind to Rudolph

I was a bit taken aback to see a Christmas display in Ikebukuro station with a taxidermic reindeer....  I'm a hypocrite - I'll happily eat a stuffed chicken  - but a stuffed Rudolph... it just doesn't seem quite right...


SomedaysSarah said...
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SomedaysSarah said...

I've never eaten reindeer (or cariboo as we call them in Canada), but I have eaten moose. My father's neighbour regularly went hunting and said moose nose tastes like tofu!

Rurousha said...

Err. No. No, I don't think this works. What's next? A taxidermic Colonel Sanders? (@_@)

PS: Sarah!!! Moose nose?! You'd eat Rudolph's red nose?!

SomedaysSarah said...

A red nose? Nah, but moose burgers are yummmmy! So too is home-smoked moose salami! ;)

Cecilia said...

But Rudolf isn't a moose...

I eat almost anything that's served to me (horse, dog, gizzards, brains, cicadas, donkey, bear, insects, whale, etc) without much moral dilemma, but there just seems something amiss with having taxidermic Rudolf...
Illogical western sentimentalism?
no doubt.

Cecilia said...

PS I eat none of the above I am shopping myself.

Theresa said...

Hey, I like it! A little bit of the exotic Arctic Circle right there, and no fleas. I object more to the plastic humanoid forms in the sled, they are more frightening, although I wouldn't want to be at the station at midnight when the reindeer comes alive and runs around with those sharp antlers and probably cranky from standing still all day.

Rurousha said...

Duh. Rudolph isn't a moose.

Well, what do I know?! I can tell you about impala and eland and gemsbok and kudu, but I don't know about northern critters.

You could say I understand horniness, not antlers.

Anyway, down south Santa's sleigh is pulled by a springbok team. I mean the animals, not the rugby players.

Cecilia said...

No fleas YET! Museums in Japan have a thing with taxidermy... I guess it's not that unlike having a body in the home for several days between death and a funeral...

Sanitization of death in the west - no pig cartoons over the pork section, death erased from polite conversation.

Sanitization of death in Japan - making sure a dead body looks good for display.

Ru, a master of horniness, would never have guessed - with all those phallic symbols you discover... I think a trip the museum in Phnom Penh is over due - it's a marvel that the Khmer Rouge didn't destroy them - one can only imagine that they were more intuned with antlers ...

Pity you don't have kangaroos.