Wednesday 19 March 2014

Forms & bureaucracy...

It's that time of the three year renewal. Renewing a visa to live in Japan requires filling out 3 pages of forms that have a way of asking for the same information several times. So long as one concentrates & doesn't mix things up like the date of visa expiring and the date of passport expiring, it's pretty straightforward. The second step is gathering documents, which shouldn't be particularly bothersome, but always seems to be. I can walk into the tax office or the post office and almost always things go smoothly; the local govt. however have secretly microchipped me and I set off an alarm that alerts the office staff that they are required to be as difficult as possible. Yesterday... Arrive at local govt. office a little after nine with a permission note from Hiro that I could pick up his tax records (required for my visa). Permission notes are quite pointless if you're logical about life because Japan doesn't work on signatures it works on hanko (personal seals) which can be bought by anyone in most Japanese family names at most 100 yen shop. So I don't need his signature, just the 100 yen shop stamp. But anyway... I handed over the permission slip... I was summoned by a narky guy, who would have been well suited to the officer class of the Imperial Japanese army. Yes I had the permission slip... but no it didn't say it was ME authorised to pick it up. (Like Hiro could find anyone else to take time out of their morning to pick up his tax slip for him........) I said, no worries I would write my name at the top that it was me who was picking it up... DAME DAME DAME (NO NO NO) FAAAAAAAAAAIIIL That was breaking the rules... So I emailed Hiro and asked him to make a second copy with my name on it, which he dutifully did. TODAY I went back to the local govt. with Hiro's new sheet + yesterday's. I presented yesterday's, with my hand written addition that it was me collecting it & stamped it with the 100Yen shop seal... (The newly printed one ready to pull out the moment they objected.) And yesterday's sheet was accepted no problem. NOTE TO SELF. It doesn't matter what you change on an official document. Anything can be verified by a 100 shops stamp, so long as you don't make the change in front of a bureaucrat who enjoys asserting petty power. Sigh....


Rurousha said...

Whenever I'm confronted by red tape in Japan, I force myself to breathe very deeply and remember the absolute horror that is bureaucracy in Africa.

(I applied for a copy of my birth certificate three years ago. I still don't have it.)

Cecilia said...

Point taken.

But when it's all so efficient here, narkiness for the sake of it is quite frustrating.

3 years... that's ummm... a long time.