I do my best to adjust, to be tolerant, to be wise. (I never succeed, but never mind that now.) However. There are certain Japan moments that will always make me frown, despite all above-mentioned attempts. Japan's very public public toilets qualify.
PS: Then again, in Africa you simply use the nearest wall. Or bush. Or car tire.
You know though, if you're going to make public toilets it means that you think relieving oneself publicly isn't really socially or environmentally acceptable. And yet, despite the investment involved in constructing them, there is scant regard for making them not public.
Perhaps it's a leap of logic to think that privacy is a motivation, maybe it's just to stop the park smelling bad...
Car tyre... rather canine behaviour! The bush I can understand no problem.. since there's often no alternative. Apparently it's very good for lemon trees...
I do my best to adjust, to be tolerant, to be wise. (I never succeed, but never mind that now.) However. There are certain Japan moments that will always make me frown, despite all above-mentioned attempts. Japan's very public public toilets qualify.
PS: Then again, in Africa you simply use the nearest wall. Or bush. Or car tire.
You know though, if you're going to make public toilets it means that you think relieving oneself publicly isn't really socially or environmentally acceptable. And yet, despite the investment involved in constructing them, there is scant regard for making them not public.
Perhaps it's a leap of logic to think that privacy is a motivation, maybe it's just to stop the park smelling bad...
Car tyre... rather canine behaviour! The bush I can understand no problem.. since there's often no alternative.
Apparently it's very good for lemon trees...
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